We’re so proud of Patrick Crosswhite, who was recently awarded an American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship for his project studying the role of CHD4 in lymphatic vascular development.
NAVBO Poster Award
Congrats to E-Ching Ong for winning an Outstanding Poster award at the annual NAVBO meeting for a 2nd year in a row. Great work, E-Ching!
Fleming Scholar
Our lab had the pleasure of hosting Tanner Bowen this summer through the OMRF Fleming Scholar program. Tanner is a rising freshman at Oklahoma Christian University, and he spent eight weeks with us studying causes of endothelial cell death during vascular development. Thanks for your hard work, Tanner, and good luck at OC!
Travel Scholarship
Congratulations to E-Ching Ong for winning a scholarship to attend Vasculata 2014 in Seattle this summer (hosted by NAVBO). We’re looking forward to all the new techniques and knowledge she’ll bring back to the lab.
Welcome, Joanna!
We are happy to welcome Joanna Podsiadlowska to our lab for the next year. She is visiting from the University of Warsaw and is participating in a Graduate Traineeship Program through the Polish-American Fulbright Commission.
Welcome, Sarah!
We are delighted to welcome Sarah Colijn as the lab’s newest graduate student and look forward to supporting her on her journey toward a Ph.D.
2014 OMRF Travel Award
Congratulations to Kyle Ingram for winning a Graduate Student Travel Award based on his oral presentation at this year’s OMRF Scientific Retreat.
Ingram, K.G., Curtis, C.D., Silasi-Mansat, R., Lupu, F., and Griffin, C.T. (2013) The NuRD Chromatin-Remodeling Enzyme CHD4 Promotes Embryonic Vascular Integrity by Transcriptionally Regulating Extracellular Matrix Proteolysis. PLoS Genetics, 9:e1004031. [Abstract]
New publication about vascular integrity
Kyle Ingram’s manuscript about the role of CHD4 in promoting embryonic vascular integrity was published today in PLoS Genetics. Congratulations to all who contributed to this exciting new story.
First Griffin Lab Graduate
Congratulations to Reema Davis, who successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation for the OUHSC Department of Cell Biology on November 8th. Reema has spent the last 5 years studying the impact of SWI/SNF and NuRD chromatin-remodeling complexes on arterial/venous specification. We’re so proud of all her achievements!